
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Introduction to Me!

Hi everyone! My name is Kayla Cragan and I am currently a senior at Salem State University. In the beginning of my college experience I had zero idea as to what I wanted to be when I got older. I came to Salem State undeclared and throughout my first semester decided I wanted to try nursing. Well, let's just say that didn't work out. Then I decided to take a general psychology course and fell in love. I fell in love with the idea that I could help people in times of crisis of their life. Their crisis could be minor or it could be major, it all depends on what would bring them to come to me for help. In my senior year, I've had to think about what areas of psychology that I wanted to work in. I could either teach it academically or work with clients. As I said before, I fell in love with the idea that I could help people. I decided ultimately that I want to have clients. Continually I have asked myself what age group do I want to work with? Do I want to work with females, males, or both? I took a step back and realized that I work amazingly well with younger kids around the elementary age. I decided to take this education class to make sure I wanted to be working with children of this age and to also build my skills up for when I do have clients. I figured that as a clinician, I will need to show my clients certain skills and techniques to make it past an obstacle in life and work through a crisis. Therefore, I need to learn how to teach my clients these skills. I ultimately hope that during this course I am currently taking I will learn some skills to better myself in my career and to assist my clients in time of need.

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