
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Inclusive Education

How important is it that students receive the same education and opportunities in the classroom? Most or all people will say that it is entirely important but how well do you understand what that means. Inclusive education is education designed and offered to all people regardless of their physical, social, emotional, or intellectual characteristics, most often used to refer to education provided in mainstream or general education classrooms to students with disabilities. In my opinion, this is the way it should be. Students with a wide range of disabilities already have parents, friends, and teachers focusing on their disability so the student should be able to take part in a general education classroom with students who do not have disabilities. I found a quote that is truly relevant to this point, "Fairness isn't about treating everyone the same; it's giving everyone what they need”(Deb Watkings). In an article I was reading called Students with Exceptionalities, many tips are given to teacher or assistants for working with students who have exceptionalities or disabilities. Many students do not like having their disability known to others but other students who do not have a disability present will feel like they are being neglected and not receiving as much attention as they need. So I felt that this quote previously stated was very necessary. I think that it is only fair that ALL students receive the same education as any other student out there. In life, people are taught that equality is an important trait in life, so why not start teaching them that in school and show them how it can be done with students who have exceptionalities.

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